Tuesday, 22 February 2011

We Love You!

We are Elijah, and we are wanting you to know that all is well!
 All is well despite apparent symptoms of sadness; all is well despite apparent symptoms of lacklustre; all is well amongst apparent poverty.
 We are wanting you to know that you are here to prosper, to excel beyond your wildest dreams or imagination. In fact, we are wanting you to dream and to use your imagination like never before! As your vibration of achievements, success, and prosperity creates an energy of positivity, the vision and energy created from within your dreams will manifest into your physical reality more so now than ever before, allowing a canvas of creation.
Know that you are success; know that you are prosperity; know that you are joy, peace, love, Higher Intelligence, wisdom and creativity! Then you will be able to fill your canvas with a beauty and prospering heretofor not experienced. FEEL and BE the prosperity that you seek and you'll know that it was there all along...even now being created into your physical life; even now being painted with the large brush-strokes of your Higher Mind. See the great colors! Feel the great colors! BE the great colors of love, of happiness and joy. You recognize the love, peace, joy, prosperity because you ARE all of that...it dwells not so far from the surface of your mind.
 Via the route of your spiritual practice (Mystical Meditation and Re-Programming Affirmative Mind-Treatments, amongst other things) you clear the dirt that blocks and fills your MIND SHAFT up from the centre/God-Centre of your mind up through to the surface/conscious-level of your mind! We say "clear out the dirt NOW, and allow the Inner Light of your God-Centre of your mind to shine up and out, simultaneously allowing light and love to flow down into the MIND-SHAFT.
 You need not try to attract wealth to you! Be as the sun, which beams life, warmth and light out, and because of its inherent gravitational pull creates a magnetic-force which naturally attracts things back to it! The more you beam, the more your MIND-SHAFT is clear from the God-Centre up through to the surface; and your MIND-SHAFT will remain clear of any dirt and debris through your spiritual practice.
 We are Elijah through Dr. Michael and We love you.

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